Measure how efficiently your body utilises fat to produce energy and discover the optimal training intensity to maximise fat-burning.
What is it?
Metabolic Efficiency Analysis evaluates how efficiently your body utilises fat to produce energy during exercise. It identifies your current level of metabolic efficiency and provides key physiological metrics required to optimise your fat-burning potential.
How does it work?
The test commences at a moderate intensity and the speed on a treadmill, or resistance on a stationary bicycle, is increased until you reach your maximum fat oxidation point. Throughout the test, our state-of-the-art equipment measures how effectively your heart, lungs, and muscles obtain and utilise oxygen to produce energy, along with the calories burned and the ratio of fat to carbohydrates utilised.
Who is it for?
This assessment is perfect for anyone looking to establish their current level of metabolic efficiency and determine the optimal training intensity required to maximise their fat-burning potential.
Why is it useful?
Metabolic Efficiency Analysis is the most accurate way to establish your current level of metabolic efficiency and determine personalised fat-burning training zone intensity unique to you and your individual physiology. From elite athletes to individuals completely fresh to fitness, this test provides you with a baseline from which your metabolic efficiency can be measured, along with the information required to ensure that your future workouts are as effective and efficient as possible.
What do I get?
Following your assessment, you will receive a comprehensive report interpreting your test results, along with personalised training zones and detailed instructions on how best to implement them into your training routine.
Data obtained:
Ventilatory Threshold 1 (VT1). Ventilatory Threshold 2 (VT2). Caloric Expenditure. Carbohydrate / Fat Utilisation.